462. Doing the Norwex Raw Chicken Demo
462. Doing the Norwex Raw Chicken Demo  
Podcast: Risky or Not?
Published On: Wed May 24 2023
Description: Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks from licking a plate that had raw chicken juice on it and was only cleaned with Norwex. Dr. Don - risky ☣️ Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 The Norwex Raw Chicken Demo - YouTube Microfiber Science PWS | Norwex USA Microfiber Testing PWS | Norwex USA Norwex Home - Premium Microfiber & Sustainable Cleaning Products | Norwex USA The change in prevalence of Campylobacter on chicken carcasses during processing: A systematic review - ScienceDirect Baseline Data Young Chicken 2007-2008