517. Growing Vegetables In Chris's Abandoned Septic Tank Soil
Podcast:Risky or Not? Published On: Fri Sep 29 2023 Description: Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks from eating vegetables grown in soil from an abandoned septic tank. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 Always Be Closing - Glengarry Glen Ross (2/10) Movie CLIP (1992) HD - YouTube 506. Kids on Lawns Irrigated With Water Containing Pathogenic E. coli — Risky or Not? Jimmy Hoffa - Wikipedia R.E.M. - Nightswimming (Official Music Video) [British Version] - YouTube Night soil - Wikipedia Sources of Pathogenic Microorganisms and Their Fate during Land Application of Wastes - Gerba - 2005 - Journal of Environmental Quality - Wiley Online Library A History of Human Waste as Fertilizer - JSTOR Daily Septic System Abandonment | Public Health Norovirus Outbreak Caused by a New Septic System in a Dolomite Aquifer - Borchardt - 2011 - Groundwater - Wiley Online Library Full article: A review of the fate and transport of nitrogen, phosphorus, pathogens, and trace organic chemicals in septic systems Septic System Pollution Contributes to Disease Outbreaks - Circle of Blue Contamination of Groundwater Systems in the US and Canada by Enteric Pathogens, 1990–2013: A Review and Pooled-Analysis | PLOS ONE