659. Drinking Coffee or Tea on an Airplane
659. Drinking Coffee or Tea on an Airplane  
Podcast: Risky or Not?
Published On: Mon Aug 26 2024
Description: Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks from drinking coffee or tea brewed on an airplane Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 Why You Shouldn’t Order Coffee or Tea on an Airplane 2019 Airline Water Study by CUNY’s Hunter Col | EurekAlert! IJERPH | Free Full-Text | Bacteria that Travel: The Quality of Aircraft Water IJERPH | Free Full-Text | Microbial Contamination in the Coffee Industry: An Occupational Menace besides a Food Safety Concern? Factors That Impact Survival of Salmonella during Storage of Beans and Batch Production of Cold Brew Coffee