The Revolutionary Power in Purpose w/ Khadeen Ellis
Podcast:Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts Published On: Wed Mar 02 2022 Description: Happy Women’s History Month to our homegirls! Yaaasss, W.E. finna jigg to 'I'm Every Woman' ALL March long! But hollup…who y’all got—Chaka, Whitney, or boffum? Here to help us take our power back is actress, tv host, youtuber, & podcaster Khadeen Ellis! Sis is kickin’ it with SJR as an authentic representation of what it looks like to be purposeful as a wife, mother, and career woman. TUNE IN & find out how Khadeen is shaping HERstory! Followed by advice on the heart work required to respect boundaries. Sis, support our partners at + +, code EVOLVE + Then sign-up at to have weekly devotionals greet your inbox!See for privacy information.