Exhaling Worry w/ Jessica Brewington
Exhaling Worry w/ Jessica Brewington  
Podcast: Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts
Published On: Wed Nov 24 2021
Description: Wobble baby, Gobble baby, Wobble baby, Gobble! Two-step with us this Thanksgiving week as SJR chops it up with Jessica Brewington! Sis explained how the initial worry of not feeling good enough led to a pattern of trying to prove herself & W.E. felt that for somebody. But the gag is…you ARE enough, you HAVE enough, & the glory is NOT up for debate! Press PLAY to uncover Jessica's process of releasing a performative love and truly resting in the reckless love of God! Followed by marital lessons & kingdom-building advice. Delegation, what are you grateful for in the EXHALE? Drop us a comment, Tag our socials, or Send an email to podcast@womanevolve.com! Take care of your mental health during the holidays by visiting BetterHelp.com/Evolve + Apply to receive up to $1,000 in team-based credit at Notion.com/Startups.