Immerse Yourself w/ Erika Cruz
Immerse Yourself w/ Erika Cruz  
Podcast: Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts
Published On: Wed Feb 14 2024
Description: Happy Valentine’s Day, Sis! Remember, there’s no performing your way out of heartbreak, and the greatest gift W.E. can give ourselves is love. After last week’s episode, does anyone else see Erika Cruz for who she is and not for what she’s done? ‘Cause W.E. do! Repentance was showcased in a bold and beautiful way, that SJR is going a step further to dissect a portion of their conversation with a red kool-aid analogy not to be missed! They say the devil is in the details, but did they know God is a God of immersion? Chhiiillleee, the proof is in this podcast, the inspiration to write a book is in the advice segment, and the decision to rescue gentle parenting is in the air! See for privacy information.