Podcast:Myths and Legends Published On: Wed Sep 26 2018 Description: A man loses everything except for his children and his field, but it's while he's in that field with his children that he receives a visit from a mythological creature...and makes a deal that will change all of their lives forever. The creature of the week is a mythpodcat! She just loves to dance! And set you on fire! -- Music: "Red-winged Blackbird" by Chad Crouch "Clear and Present" by Ketsa "Divider" by Chris Zabriskie "Lope and Shimmer" by Podington Bear "That Kid in the Fourth Grade Who Really Liked the Denver Broncos" by Chris Zabriskie "Retrograde" by Podington Bear "Minor Islands" by Podington Bear "Bell Solo" by Blue Dot Sessions Support the show: https://www.mythpodcast.com/membership