71C-Sinbad: There and Back and There and Back Again
Podcast:Myths and Legends Published On: Wed Jun 14 2017 Description: If you've ever wondered about giving that strange old man a piggy-back ride in the woods, the philosophical nuances of way too much grave robbing, or how many people are necessary to take down a four-story-tall baby bird, well, then this is the episode for you. Sinbad finishes up his epic tale of epicness and we see what led to him falling back on his plan "B" of living a life of leisure on his near-infinite wealth. The creature this time is the reason you should take a giant bat with you everywhere you go. S --- Music: “Decompression” by Blue Dot Sessions “Liptis” by Blue Dot Sessions “Sunday Lights” by Blue Dot Sessions “Toppler” by Blue Dot Sessions “Across the River” by Podington Bear “All the Ways” by Podington Bear “Just Watching” by Podington Bear Support the show: https://www.mythpodcast.com/membership