388: Finnish folklore: Uh oh, Better Get Mikko!
388: Finnish folklore: Uh oh, Better Get Mikko!  
Podcast: Myths and Legends
Published On: Wed Oct 09 2024
Description: The story of King Mighty Mikko, a young man who isn't a king or mighty, but he is Mikko, and maybe that's all he needs. Oh...and a very clever fox conman. The creature is Vishap, who lives at the top of a mountain and just wants to give you cash and prizes to not be covered in poison blood --- Discord: https://myths.link/discord Source: https://myths.link/mightymikko --- BetterHelp: This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Visit https://BetterHelp.com/myths today to get 10% off your first month. --- "Flatlands 4th" by Blue Dot Sessions  "Slate Tracker" by Blue Dot Sessions  "Still Nite" by Blue Dot Sessions  "Western Tanager" by Chad Crouch  "Mallard" by Chad Crouch