149-Japanese Fairy Tales: Son of a Peach
149-Japanese Fairy Tales: Son of a Peach  
Podcast: Myths and Legends
Published On: Wed Jul 17 2019
Description: Why you absolutely should take the biggest peach you can find in the supermarket and sing to it. It might just hatch a baby! Unfortunately your fairy tale baby will do what fairy tale babies do: grow up and hear that call to adventure, going out to seek their fortune, taking no more than a plucky attitude and an angry dog to battle the evils of the world.  The creature this time is Batman...if Batman was a literal bat who turned into an old man.  —  Music  “Adventure” by Chad Crouch “Coin Op” by Chad Crouch “Periwinkle” by Chad Crouch “Chyrsalis” by Podington Bear “Gambrel” by Blue Dot Sessions “Holding Hands” by Podington Bear