Podcast:Myths and Legends Published On: Wed May 23 2018 Description: The city of Athens is one of the most famous of the ancient world and its royal family was plagued with, well, weirdness. Between the dragon kings and the bird people, you either had to be sure to trust no one, or to never go anywhere ever because the wind or even the dawn could be out to get you. The creature of the week is a fairy cow by the name of Fuwch Gyfeiliorn which I have the good sense to not even begin to attempt to say. -- Music: "Bombadore" by Blue Dot Sessions "The Records" by Blue Dot Sessions "Slow Line Stomp" by Blue Dot Sessions "Rate Sheet" by Blue Dot Sessions "Setting Pace" by Blue Dot Sessions "Jog to the Water" by Blue Dot Sessions "Minor Islands" by Blue Dot Sessions "Crumbling Dock" by Blue Dot Sessions "Waves of Intensity" by Podington Bear Support the show: https://www.mythpodcast.com/membership