Episode 501: “Don’t Say Gay” & Latino Evangelicals with Gabriel Salguero
Podcast:The Holy Post Published On: Wed Mar 23 2022 Description: Florida is the latest front in the culture war with a controversial bill to prevent teachers from speaking to children about the existence of same-sex couples or transgender people. But is the bill so vague that it could also prevent schools from acknowledging opposite-sex married couples too? The crew breaks down the intent, and the possible side effects, of Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law. And, what does Disney’s response to the controversy tell us about where the wider culture is heading? Then, pastor and president of the National Latino Evangelical Coalition (NALEC), Rev. Dr. Gabriel Salguero, joins Skye for a conversation about the growing influence of Latinos within evangelicalism. He says the diverse perspectives of Latino Christians offers the white church a “view from below,” and promises to bring renewal to the American church, but we shouldn’t romanticize the movement either. Plus, an example of Christian Nationalism in the wild, and goats go to church. News Segment 0:00 - Intro 5:21 - Animal News https://www.al.com/news/2022/03/baaaaaaad-goats-break-into-alabama-church-shatter-glass-door.html 7:52 - An example of Christian nationalism https://www.christianpost.com/voices/is-this-our-last-chance.html 19:49 - Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill 30:13 - Disney’s response Sponsor 41:03 - Abide abide.co/holypost Interview with Gabriel Salguero National Latino Evangelical Coalition: https://nalec.org Gabriel Salguero: https://twitter.com/PastorsSalguero 42:14 - Interview start 45:36 - Latino evangelical experience in America 50:32 - Shared challenges 53:47 - Future of the church and evangelicalism 1:03:51 - Navigating recent tumultuous times 1:17:27 - Hope for the future Other resources mentioned: “The Dissenters Trying to Save Evangelicalism From Itself” (David Brooks article) - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/04/opinion/evangelicalism-division-renewal.html