Are the Kids Alright? EPISODE 6: Tenx10 and the Importance of Relational Discipleship with Ray Chang
Podcast:The Holy Post Published On: Fri Dec 08 2023 Description: Whether you're a parent, a youth pastor, a teacher or a young person yourself, you've probably seen all of the headlines concerning Gen Z. Rates of depression and loneliness are surging, their relationship with technology is kind of troubling, and they are leaving the church in droves. We've talked about these trends a lot on the Holy Post, but we're not alone. Tenx10 is a new collaborative discipleship initiative whose mission is to make faith matter more for this younger generation. We've partnered with Tenx10 to create this series and to hear from experts in each episode about the challenges young people and those who care about them are facing. Kaitlyn sits down with Ray Chang to wrap up the series and talk about the work of Tenx10 0:00 - Theme Song 0:18 - Intro 1:05 - What is Tenx10 15:21 - Tenx10 Info - Go to for resources on how to help the younger generation care more about faith 16:37 - Relational Discipleship 28:56 - The future of the Church 44:04 - End Credits Links and Resources Tenx10 - Holy Post website: Holy Post Plus: Holy Post Patreon: Holy Post Merch Store: The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.