Episode 368: Rethinking Church in Digital Babylon with David Kinnaman (Part 2)
Episode 368: Rethinking Church in Digital Babylon with David Kinnaman (Part 2)  
Podcast: The Holy Post
Published On: Wed Sep 11 2019
Description: Based on a decade of research with the Barna Group, David Kinnaman says we’re not in Kansas anymore. We now occupy digital Babylon—a new world where people are discipled by their screens, don’t know how to have meaningful relationships, and distrust organizations. What does this all mean for the church? He talks with Skye about everything from rethinking preaching, the diminishing value of youth ministry, and a backlash against “professional” worship. Also this week, Phil reads from his new Bible and has a dream/nightmare about Donald Trump. Christian asks where we should get our news from. NFL quarterback Drew Brees gets in trouble for appearing in a Focus on the Family video. And research says the church, like politics, is losing moderates.