Episode 365: Celebrity Marriages, Deep Fake Tech, & Does Porn Still Matter?
Episode 365: Celebrity Marriages, Deep Fake Tech, & Does Porn Still Matter?  
Podcast: The Holy Post
Published On: Wed Aug 21 2019
Description: Another celebrity couple’s marriage has ended, but don’t worry—they’re still committed to their pet pigs. New data finds Americans have lost faith in technology to the point that churches are now viewed more favorably than big tech firms. Another survey finds conservative Christians use less porn than other Americans, but they feel way worse about it. Should we continue to stigmatize the sinfulness of pornography? The gang has a lively discussion about it. Also this week, Drew Dyck is back with his latest book recommendations, and he talks with Skye about the flurry of Christian leaders announcing their renunciation of the faith via social media. Plus, Phil wants to know why web algorithms are telling him to buy a cereal called Poop Like a Campion.