Podcast:The Holy Post Published On: Wed May 20 2020 Description: The podcast crew responds to listener feedback and questions posted on HolyPost.com like, is it ok for Christians to be concerned about the mark of the beast if we avoid nutty conspiracy theories? New research finds white evangelicals consider Donald Trump the most trustworthy source for COVID-19 news and generally distrust public health officials and journalists. This leads Phil to explain the tactics of demagogues and why today’s evangelicals are drawn to them. Also this week, Drew Dyck is back with his latest book and media recommendations to engage while you’re sheltering at home. GOP Lawmaker Opposes Coronavirus Face Masks Because They Cover ‘The Image Of God’ - HuffPost https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ohio-masks-likeness-of-god-nino-vitale_n_5eb0c6d6c5b62b850f90eb42Where Do White Evangelicals Get Their Coronavirus News? The White House - Christianity Today https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2020/may/evangelicals-trump-media-public-health-response-coronavirus.htmlOpinion | Trump Is Staking Out His Own Universe of ‘Alternative Facts’ - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/13/opinion/trump-digital-campaign.html