Episode 460: Consuming News Like a Christian with Jeffrey Bilbro
Podcast:The Holy Post Published On: Wed Jun 09 2021 Description: We are bombarded by more news than ever before, and many of us can no longer differentiate what’s real from what’s fake, or what’s important from what’s trivial. Jeffrey Bilbro, author of “Reading the Times: A Literary and Theological Inquiry into the News,” offers wisdom about what it means to engage the media as a Christian, why the first step may be a deeper engagement with our local church, and the value of cultivating a “holy apathy” about current events. Also this week, Phil, Skye, and Christian respond to listener emails. Did Skye contradict one of his own sermons on a recent podcast? And what happened to the pipeline that used to carry kids in the church from birth all the way through college? Phil says it has completely blown up, but is that good or bad? And what does it mean for Christian parents? Plus, Jason is addicted to cinnamon rolls, and the magical musical armor of fireflies. Fireflies Story: https://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/fireflies-wear-musical-armor-to-avoid-getting-eaten-by-bats/ Jeffrey Bilbro's Book: https://www.amazon.com/Reading-Times-Literary-Theological-Inquiry/dp/0830841857/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3ANNJ5BNEV8RW&dchild=1&keywords=reading+the+times+jeffrey+bilbro&qid=1623251775&sprefix=reading+the+times%2Caps%2C239&sr=8-3