Episode 401: William Wilberforce—Christian Hero & Drug Addict with Timothy McMahan King
Podcast:The Holy Post Published On: Wed Apr 22 2020 Description: William Wilberforce is celebrated as a model of Christian cultural engagement for ending the British slave trade, but most Christian biographies of Wilberforce ignore the fact that he was addicted to opium for most of his life. Timothy McMahan King, author of “Addiction Nation,” explains why. He shares his own story of overcoming opioid addiction which kills over 70,000 Americans every year, and how equating addiction with moral failure hurts far more than it helps. Also this week, Hulk Hogan says God is judging our idolatry with COVID19. Is he right? Skye explains why the eschatological nuts are probably wrong about this being the end of the world. And Phil tries to cut his hair with horse clippers.