Episode 382: The Right Side of History with Os Guinness
Episode 382: The Right Side of History with Os Guinness  
Podcast: The Holy Post
Published On: Wed Dec 18 2019
Description: Prolific writer, philosopher, and cultural observer, Os Guinness, is back on the podcast to discuss his latest book, “Carpe Diem Redeemed.” Guinness says the modern assumption that history is inevitably moving in a positive, progressive direction is wrong, and we need to have our vision of time challenged by scripture. He talks with Skye about three understandings of time and their implications for life today. Also this week, a freaky/heretical new video game lets you become Jesus. A psychologist instructs atheist parents to lie to their kids about God because religious belief is better for mental health. And why do people in Loma Linda, California, live 10 years longer than most Americans?