Episode 437: Ham on Phil - A Brief History of Young Earth Creationism
Episode 437: Ham on Phil - A Brief History of Young Earth Creationism  
Podcast: The Holy Post
Published On: Wed Dec 30 2020
Description: Recently, Young Earth Creation (YEC) champion Ken Ham took exception to Phil's statement that Ham "rejects mainstream science." In the flurry of social media activity that followed, a number of YEC experts took Phil to task, claiming he was wrong on several facts. Phil dug deeper and realized he WAS in fact wrong on a couple of things, but right on a bunch more. So this week Phil lays out what he got wrong and what he got right as we take a deep dive into the fascinating history of the movement called "Creation Science," or Ken Ham-style "Young Earth Creationism."   Buckle up!  It's a fun one!