Episode 414: Religious Power vs. Religious Liberty with David French
Episode 414: Religious Power vs. Religious Liberty with David French  
Podcast: The Holy Post
Published On: Wed Jul 22 2020
Description: There are few public thinkers the Holy Post cites more often than David French, and he’s finally here in person! (Well, in person via Zoom.) French is the Senior Editor of The Dispatch, a columnist for Time, and a pro-life conservative attorney. Although many Christians are worried about the erosion of religious liberty, French says, “We have never enjoyed more religious liberty than we do right now.” The problem is that Christians are losing cultural power, and our attempts to retain it are often doing more harm than good. He helps us understand recent Supreme Court rulings about religious liberty and LGBT rights, why conservatives who are against face masks aren’t really pro-life, and how both the Left and Right get racism wrong. French explains why he will not vote for Trump, and why evangelicals have gone from holding their noses to enthusiastic support of a president who lacks both character and competency. Plus, what is “David Frenchism” and should we be worried about it?   The Case for Religious Liberty is More Compelling than the Case for Christian Power - The Dispatch:  https://frenchpress.thedispatch.com/p/the-case-for-religious-liberty-is