Episode 379: The World According to N.T. Wright
Episode 379: The World According to N.T. Wright  
Podcast: The Holy Post
Published On: Wed Nov 27 2019
Description: He’s one of the most celebrated New Testament scholars of our time, and he’s back on the show! N.T. Wright’s lifetime of biblical scholarship has been compiled into a new book that covers the history, literature, and theology of the New Testament. He sits down with Skye to explore the ways we commonly misread the Bible, where those errors come from, and why understanding it from the point of view of the first-century is essential for twenty-first-century Christians. Also this week: what the guy who slashed the “Baby Trump” balloon can tell us about our political, cultural, and religious divisions. And, the ACLU doesn’t like a new law in Ohio meant to protect the religious expression of students.