Episode 406: QAnon & Rediscipling the White Church with David Swanson
Episode 406: QAnon & Rediscipling the White Church with David Swanson  
Podcast: The Holy Post
Published On: Wed May 27 2020
Description: Did Bill Gates create the pandemic? Are Democrats running a child-trafficking cartel? Is Trump a secret genius sending coded messages in his tweets? Conspiracy theories are spreading among evangelicals faster than Covid-19. The Holy Post crew discusses The Atlantic’s cover story about QAnon, why it’s so appealing to Christians, and why it’s a dangerous heresy. Then, Skye talks with Chicago pastor David Swanson about his new book “Rediscipling the White Church,” and what would change if pastors began to see racism as a discipleship problem and not merely a social one. Plus—is God against face masks? And a rockstar is hospitalized after an “over-enthusiastic gardening accident.”