Ep 340: Spineless Morons & Fragile Snowflakes
Ep 340: Spineless Morons & Fragile Snowflakes  
Podcast: The Holy Post
Published On: Wed Feb 27 2019
Description: What causes “Trump-fever”? According to Baptist pastor and Trump cheerleader, Robert Jeffress, it’s all about abortion. He calls never-Trump evangelicals “spineless morons” because they won’t admit that Trump has been an effective pro-life president. Is he right? Not according to a new book called “Alienated America” by Timothy Carney. His data says cultural pessimism explains why some Republican towns embraced Trump in the primaries while other rejected him. Could that also explain his evangelical support? And Drew Dyck is back to discuss a new book on how we’ve made a generation of Americans into fragile snowflakes.