Episode 519: How Reaganism Won the Church & Skye’s New Book
Episode 519: How Reaganism Won the Church & Skye’s New Book  
Podcast: The Holy Post
Published On: Wed Jul 27 2022
Description: Phil has another "crazy theory," and Skye and Kaitlyn aren't sure what to make of it. What if 1964 is one of the hinge points in American history? 1964, as Phil explains, was the year a Catholic housewife from Illinois and a mid-tier movie star from Hollywood attempted to put an Arizonan libertarian in the White House. Their effort failed, but in the process did they actually plant the seeds that would remake both America and the American church?? Give a listen as Phil spins the story of three unlikely people he believes "made" modern conservatism inside and outside the American church... Barry Goldwater, Phyllis Schlafly and Ronald Reagan. You don't have to agree. Just humor him. PLUS Kaitlyn interviews Skye about his new book - What if Jesus was Serious About the Church? Holy Post Patreon: https://patreon.com/holypost News Segment 0:00 - Intro 2:53 - Background and context for Phil's theory 6:54 - Person 1: Barry Goldwater 12:07 - Person 2: Phyllis Schlafly 20:14 - Person 3: Ronald Reagan 35:35 - Debriefing Phil's theory Interview with Skye Jethani "What If Jesus Was Serious About the Church?" - https://amzn.to/3PNlVI6 53:06 - Interview intro 54:45 - Why prescribe something for the church? 57:55 - How we use the word "church" 1:02:38 - Finding a church 1:06:29 - Preacher vs. table 1:17:53 - Authority in the church 1:23:59 - Seeking change within a church community1:30:01 - Credits The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases