Episode 490: Lessons from the Global Church with Christine Caine
Episode 490: Lessons from the Global Church with Christine Caine  
Podcast: The Holy Post
Published On: Wed Jan 05 2022
Description: Phil experienced a Twitter typhoon last week when he suggested “love your country” is not a Biblical command. The Holy Post crew unpacks the reactions and asks what separates godly and ungodly patriotism. Then, Skye talks to Christine Caine, founder of The A21 Campaign, about her experience of American evangelicalism as an Australian Pentecostal. With decades of experience in ministry around the world, and working against human trafficking in 14 countries, Caine says she was shocked by what she found in the American church, and advocates for more listening and cooperation with Christians in other traditions and cultures. Also this week, a Japanese professor invents a TV you can taste, and a town in the UK is terrorized by a bloodthirsty squirrel. News Segment: 0:00 - Intro and updates 4:29 - Squirrel rampage https://nypost.com/2021/12/29/squirrel-from-hell-injures-18-during-48-hour-biting-spree/ 8:36 - Lickable TV https://www.reuters.com/technology/lick-it-up-japan-professor-creates-tele-taste-tv-screen-2021-12-23/ 15:16 - ERLC clarification 17:38 - Critiquing our own team and purpose of the Holy Post 27:59 - Phil’s Twitter discussions on love of country 46:10 Sponsors Thanks to the sponsors of this week’s episode: Faithful Counseling: faithfulcounseling.com/holypost Abide: abide.co/holypost Interview with Christine Caine:A21 organization: https://www.a21.org48:36 - Interview Start 49:49 - Experience in Pentecostal church 55:28 - Church celebrity culture 1:05:02 - Healthy skepticism 1:09:12 - Cross-tradition interaction & the global church 1:25:17 - Ending