Episode 502: Secular Sexual Ethics, Faith, & Autism with Daniel Bowman Jr.
Episode 502: Secular Sexual Ethics, Faith, & Autism with Daniel Bowman Jr.  
Podcast: The Holy Post
Published On: Wed Mar 30 2022
Description: The conservative (and maybe Christian?) satire site Babylon Bee has had their Twitter account suspended for giving a trans woman their “Man of the Year” award. Babylon Bee says they’re being punished for speaking the truth, but are they just being mean? And an essay in the Washington Post by Christine Emba says our sexual ethic of consent alone isn’t working. Has she uncovered evidence that our secular culture is more receptive to Christian sexual ethics than we thought? Then Kaitlyn Schiess talks with author, poet, and English profess Daniel Bowman Jr. about his book, “On the Spectrum: Autism, Faith, & the Gifts of Neurodiversity.” Bowman, who is on the spectrum himself, dispels myths about autism and offers helpful ideas about how we can love those in our families and communities who are neurodiverse. Plus, an update from the Animal News desk. Holy Post Patreon (now with book club!) - https://www.patreon.com/holypost News Segment 0:00 - Intro 2:54 - Animal News https://relevantmagazine.com/culture/no-more-monkey-business-publix-will-stop-selling-coconut-milk-collected-from-enslaved-monkeys/ 10:41 - Babylon Bee 19:39 - Sexual ethics https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/03/17/sex-ethics-rethinking-consent-culture/ Sponsor 49:24 - Faithful Counseling faithfulcounseling.com/holypost Interview with Daniel Bowman Jr. https://www.danielbowmanjr.com “On the Spectrum: Autism, Faith, & the Gifts of Neurodiversity” - https://amzn.to/3qJnpZC 50:33 - Interview intro and book overview 54:38 - Loving neighbor 58:32 - Neurodiversity and Own Voices 1:02:56 - Culture making “Culture Making” by Andy Crouch - https://amzn.to/3JXvQII 1:07:33 - Autism and the church 1:14:55 - Bad Christian stories 1:19:10 - Loving people across space 1:22:29 - End The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.