Episode 463: Huckabee in the Hot Seat, Crisis at Cru, & Navigating Change with D. Michael Lindsay
Episode 463: Huckabee in the Hot Seat, Crisis at Cru, & Navigating Change with D. Michael Lindsay  
Podcast: The Holy Post
Published On: Wed Jun 30 2021
Description: Tyler Huckabee, senior editor for Relevant, joins the Holy Post crew to defend his recent article about VeggieTales. Did Phil’s mom trick him into creating vegetable characters who are beyond God’s salvation? Then, over 1,000 Cru staff members say the parachurch ministry’s focus on diversity and racism has resulted in mission drift. Are they right or is it another example of paranoia over CRT? Then, Christian college president D. Michael Lindsay shares about his new book “Hinge Moments: Making the Most of Life’s Transitions,” and the unexpected changes in his own life. Have we misunderstood what it means to follow God’s will, and what can we learn from the best leaders about how to change directions? All that, plus Skye’s cramped cross-country road trip. https://www.relevantmagazine.com/culture/never-forget-that-veggietales-werent-allowed-to-show-jesus-as-a-vegetable/ https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2021/june/cru-divided-over-emphasis-on-race.html https://www.amazon.com/Hinge-Moments-Making-Lifes-Transitions/dp/0830841792