Jesus and John Wayne Episode 2: Culture Warriors (The ‘70s - ‘80s)
Jesus and John Wayne Episode 2: Culture Warriors (The ‘70s - ‘80s)  
Podcast: The Holy Post
Published On: Fri Jul 02 2021
Description: Calvin University history professor Kristin Kobes Du Mez joins Skye Jethani to continue discussing her bestselling book, "Jesus & John Wayne." In this episode, they discuss how evangelicalism fought to maintain traditional authority structures in the home and society, except when those authority structures didn't fit their own political interests which ultimately led to the rise of the Religious Right.    Part 1 - Feminism and Family Values (2:18) Part 2 - Reconstructionism and the Religious Right (29:13) Jesus & John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation:   (The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.)