Episode 375: Spiritual Homelessness with Mike Erre
Episode 375: Spiritual Homelessness with Mike Erre  
Podcast: The Holy Post
Published On: Wed Oct 30 2019
Description: Do you feel alienated from the evangelical tradition of your youth, but not at home with the more liberal versions of the faith either? Welcome to the ranks of the spiritually homeless. Friend of the show Mike Erre is back to discuss the trend and the stages that lead a disappointed evangelical to become fully de-converted. Also this week: A woman in Germany says her passionate relationship with a Boeing 737-800 is true love. A Russian man sues Apple claiming an app made him gay. The Vatican tries to woo tech-savvy millennials back to religion with the “e-rosary.” Plus, Phil and Skye examine the philosophy fueling the “anti-natalist” movement which says the only moral, logical, and compassionate option is for all humans to stop having children.