Episode 461: All Eyes on the SBC & Surviving Gun Violence with Taylor Schumann
Episode 461: All Eyes on the SBC & Surviving Gun Violence with Taylor Schumann  
Podcast: The Holy Post
Published On: Wed Jun 16 2021
Description: Violent crime, including mass shootings, are way up. On average over 300 people are shot everyday in America. In 2013, one of them was Taylor Schumann. She talks with Kaitlyn Schiess about her new book, “When Thoughts and Prayers Aren’t Enough,” and the side of gun violence most of us forget—the survivors. Also this week, the Southern Baptists are meeting in Nashville where, according to the mainstream media, the entire fate of evangelicalism will be decided. Are they right? Plus, Relevant Magazine wonders if Phil’s mom gave him sound advice about VeggieTales, or was she playing 3-dimensional chess to mess with her son’s theology. And, why a lobster diver will be the illustration in every sermon this Sunday. https://www.capecodtimes.com/story/news/2021/06/11/humpback-whale-catches-michael-packard-lobster-driver-mouth-proviencetown-cape-cod/7653838002/ https://www.relevantmagazine.com/culture/never-forget-that-veggietales-werent-allowed-to-show-jesus-as-a-vegetable/ https://mobile.twitter.com/ryanburge/status/1403353463354974234 https://twitter.com/BethMooreLPM/status/1404426835199500296 https://www.amazon.com/When-Thoughts-Prayers-Arent-Enough/dp/0830831703