Episode 426: Power, Freedom, and Identity with N.T. Wright
Podcast:The Holy Post Published On: Wed Oct 14 2020 Description: The most esteemed New Testament scholar alive today is back on the show! N.T. Wright discusses his new book about John’s gospel, “Broken Signposts.” Wright talks to Skye about two competing visions of power and freedom at work in the world today, and how the church sometimes fails to follow the right one. He also unpacks how “identity” has become the dominant framework in our culture, how it’s a reaction to colonialism, and the danger it poses to Christian unity. Also this week—Is America having a moral convulsion? David Brooks things so. The gang discusses his new article about what happens when we lose trust in America’s institutions and in one another, and why the church could be the answer. Plus, Phil gets invited to a cookout, Christian wins another award, and Skye’s dog vomits on his sofa. Should Christians vote for Trump? Eric Metaxas vs David French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuYk4-NdCz0"America Is Having a Moral Convulsion": https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/10/collapsing-levels-trust-are-devastating-america/616581/