Episode 367: Resilient Faith in Digital Babylon with David Kinnaman (Part 1)
Episode 367: Resilient Faith in Digital Babylon with David Kinnaman (Part 1)  
Podcast: The Holy Post
Published On: Wed Sep 04 2019
Description: According to years of research from the Barna Group, only about 10% of young adults raised in the church have a resilient faith. Some may see that as bad news, but not David Kinnaman. He dug deeper to see what was different about these 4 million Millennials and Gen Zers, and he came away deeply encouraged. He talks with Skye about the 5 traits of “resilient disciples” and what it means for the future of the church. Also this week, Phil, Christian, and Skye talk about the wave of Christian leaders abandoning the faith and what it means for labels like “evangelical,” “ex-evangelical,” “fundamentalist,” and “progressive.” Plus, plague-infected prairie dogs and pooping Legos.