Episode 377: The Faith of Mister Rogers with Shea Tuttle
Episode 377: The Faith of Mister Rogers with Shea Tuttle  
Podcast: The Holy Post
Published On: Thu Nov 14 2019
Description: Fred Rogers is all the rage. He spoke to children and families for decades on the PBS show “Mister Rogers Neighborhood” and a movie about him starring Tom Hanks is releasing this month. But fewer people realize Rogers was an ordained minister with a deep faith. Shea Tuttle talks to Skye about her remarkable spiritual biography of Fred Rogers—a Christian who defied categories with a holistic vision of faith. Also this week, “Christian chicken with a picket” in the U.K., a Gospel singer boycotts TBN and the Dove Awards, a secularist laments that we’re no longer a Christian nation, and Phil’s excited about a smart Chinese toilet that can change the world.