Ep. 155: John Kunemund "Hugh Steers - Conjuring Tenderness: Paintings from 1987 at Alexander Gray Associates"
Podcast:Art Sense Published On: Sat Aug 10 2024 Description: A conversation with John Kunemund of Alexander Gray Associates about the gallery’s recent exhibit Conjuring Tenderness: Paintings from 1987 which featured the work of the late artist Hugh Steers. Known for his evocative and deeply personal works, Steers' paintings capture moments of vulnerability and intimacy, often set against the backdrop of the AIDS crisis of the 1980s. In the conversation, we explore the context of Steers' work, his unique artistic vision, and his work’s continued ability to resonate with contemporary audiences.https://www.alexandergray.com/exhibitions/hugh-steers4https://www.alexandergray.com/artists/hugh-steers