Podcast:Art Sense Published On: Tue Jul 18 2023 Description: A conversation with artist Jin Meyerson. Myerson is a painter whose process relies on computer graphics software to warp and randomize source imagery to create a kaleidoscopic effect while exploring themes of American culture and scientific concepts such as retrocausality. The result is an invitation to linger and consider the order hidden in the brightly-colored chaos. The conversation includes discussion of Meyerson’s birth in Korea and adoption by a Jewish family in Minnesota, finding his place in New York and ultimately winding back up in Korea via Paris. In addition, Meyerson discusses the evolution of his work and his new Johyun Gallery show with Korean artists Park Seo Bo and Lee Bae at the Rink Level Gallery of Rockefeller Center through July 23.https://www.rockefellercenter.com/events/johyun-gallery-rockefeller-center-origin-emergence-return/https://www.johyungallery.com/exhibitions/153-origin-emergence-return/overview/https://www.johyungallery.com/artists/41-jin-meyerson/biography/https://www.christies.com/features/Studio-Visit-Jin-Meyerson-9459-3.aspxhttps://www.instagram.com/jinmeyerson/