Ep. 119: Artist Robbie Conal
Ep. 119: Artist Robbie Conal  
Podcast: Art Sense
Published On: Tue Oct 31 2023
Description: A conversation with legendary guerrilla poster artist Robbie Conal about decades of activism by the dark of night. Conal’s signature style combines grotesque and satirical grayscale portraits of U.S. political figures paired with clever, hard-hitting text. His poster’s have become part of the American urban landscape and the original paintings that serve as the basis for the prints have found homes in some of the country’s most prized collections. His latest exhibition titled “Raw: Work in Process” is up now through November 4 at Track 16 Gallery in downtown Los Angeles.https://www.track16.com/robbie-conal-raw-work-in-processhttps://robbieconal.myshopify.com/