Ep. 98: Author and Curator Elliot Bostwick Davis "Edward Hopper & Cape Ann: Illuminating an American Landscape"
Ep. 98: Author and Curator Elliot Bostwick Davis "Edward Hopper & Cape Ann: Illuminating an American Landscape"  
Podcast: Art Sense
Published On: Tue May 30 2023
Description: A conversation with author and curator Elliot Bostwick Davis about her new book “Edward Hopper & Cape Ann: Illuminating an American Landscape” and the accompanying exhibit which runs July 22 to October 16 at the Cape Ann Museum in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Both the book and the exhibit examine the impact of Hopper’s wife Jo on his work and the trajectory of his career. Their relationship started in the summer of 1923 there in Cape Ann and it wasn’t long before the 41-year-old Hopper became a rising star in the art world.https://a.co/d/9stfbjChttps://www.capeannmuseum.org/exhibitions/edward-hopper/