The One Where They Discuss Resilience, Burnout, and Work/Life Balance in Medicine
Podcast:Across The Couch with Kyle and Nicole Published On: Wed Jun 14 2023 Description: WOAH was this a loaded topic to talk about. Kyle and I were so excited that you wanted to hear what we had to say about working in the medical field, and how we balance being healthcare professionals, with being just regular people too. We discuss just that, and SO much more including the things nursing/EMS schooling never taught you, the shock of starting a career in medicine, resilience in face of all the emotional and physical stressors we face, externalizing vs. internalizing stress, and how the heck we work to live, not the other way around. We hope you love listening! As always, let us know what you'd like to hear us talk about next, and SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a dose of Kyle & Nicole.