Podcast: Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh
Rating: Explicit Published On: Tue Jun 22 2021
Description: He's baaaaaccckkk, join Andrew Schulz, Akaash Singh, AlexxMedia, Mark Gagnon as they welcome back Alex Jones to the pod - let's hope this one doesn't get taken down! Timecodes: 0:00 - START 0:55 - wonder woman joins the pod 3:27 - It’s not Wonder Woman and broken bottle! 7:00 - Will this episode be censored?? 10:15 - Alex Jones loses his clothes 11:00 - Alex Jones has the largest WHAT 15:00 - Alex Jones calls out the Paul Brothers in boxing 18:30 - Jon Stewart joined the cult 29:00 - How much money does Alex Jones have? 33:15 - Head of youtube is a woman 35:18 - Alex jones is a virgin 38:10 - Stylebender wants to fight Alex Jones 43:15 - Andrew Yang has been tapped 54:40 - trump was one of the worst things to happen to America 1:06:12 - The sexual dominance with power 1:16:00 - Alex Jones should do stand up comedy 1:20:40 - What will be the reaction to Alex Jones’ death? 1:38:42 - Alex Jones is the most interesting man on the planet 2:06:27 - UFO’s are from the Earth 2:25:30 - Alex Jones’ connection the Capitol Riots