Ep. 1435 - LGBTQ Propaganda Gets Banned In TN Classrooms
Ep. 1435 - LGBTQ Propaganda Gets Banned In TN Classrooms  
Podcast: The Michael Knowles Show
Published On: Wed Feb 28 2024
Description: Mary Poppins is racist according to the left, the pride flag gets banned in TN classrooms, and Trump wins Michigan. Click here to join the member exclusive portion of my show: https://utm.io/ueSEl Ep.1435 - - -  DailyWire+: Shop the best deals for Jeremy’s here: https://bit.ly/48s6P3C Unlock your Bentkey 14-day free trial here: https://bit.ly/3GSz8go Get your own Yes or No game here: https://bit.ly/3X6tlKY    - - -  Today’s Sponsors: Food For The Poor - Donate Today! Text ‘knowles’ to 51555 or visit https://www.foodforthepoor.org/knowles Good Ranchers - FREE Bacon for 4 years! Use promo code KNOWLES at checkout.  https://bit.ly/43G8p0P  - - - Socials: Follow on Twitter: https://bit.ly/3RwKpq6 Follow on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3BqZLXA Follow on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3eEmwyg Subscribe on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3L273Ek
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