39: Learning to Let Go and Welcoming Change
39: Learning to Let Go and Welcoming Change  
Podcast: Trying Not to Care
Published On: Mon Nov 14 2022
Description: Trying Not to Care is sponsored by BetterHelp  get 10% off your first month: https://www.betterhelp.com/TNTC today's episode I talk about learning to let go of the familiar and welcoming in bigger and better LEARNING TO LET GO AND WELCOMING CHANGE - why I struggled with letting go - why we fear change - the fear of the unknown - embracing change  Trying Not to Care is sponsored by Uncommon Goods get 15% off: https://uncommongoods.com/TNTC let's be besties! my socials:  INSTAGRAM: @ashleycorbo + @tryingnot2carepodcast TIKTOK: @lilbabyaries + @tryingnottocarepodcast  YOUTUBE: ashleycorbo444