Things I'm Letting Go Of
Things I'm Letting Go Of  
Podcast: Trying Not to Care
Published On: Mon May 20 2024
Description: I try to go into every year with an idea of the things I want to accomplish as well as the person I want to be. With it almost being half way through the year, I want to talk about some things I'm letting go of. These things, I believe, are holding me back from reaching my full potential and doing more harm than good.  Things I'm letting go of:  Beating myself up over past mistakes when I didn't know any better People pleasing out of fear of being alone Trying to label myself or put myself in a box Saying no out of fear of failing or being uncomfortable Self limiting beliefs SOCIALS AND LINKS Instagram: Ashley's Instagram | Trying Not to Care Instagram TikTok: Ashley's TikTok | Trying Not to Care TikTok Youtube: Subscribe here Revolve, Amazon Storefront and more: LTX If you want to ask me questions, need advice or have any episode ideas, submit here: TNTC Community Google Form TNTC COMMUNITY GROUPCHAT: Business Inquiries -