50: How to Date Yourself - Self Love, Past Relationships, Self Worth, Love Languages and Ways to Love Yourself
Podcast:Trying Not to Care Published On: Mon Feb 06 2023 Description: With February being the month of love, this episode is a reminder to show yourself love before giving it away to someone else. We're all so quick to pour our time and energy into others and make sure they feel loved, while neglecting the person who deserves it the most.....ourselves!! In today's episode I talk about: - Damage from past relationships - Letting others determine our self worth - Looking for things we need in others - Raising your self worth - Using love languages to love yourself - Ways to fall in love with you If you want to ask me questions, need advice or have any episode topic ideas, submit here: TNTC Community Google Form MY SOCIALS!! INSTAGRAM: my main account + podcast IG TIKTOK: lilbabyaries + podcast tiktok YOUTUBE: ashleycorbo444