80: Your Only Competition Is Yourself
80: Your Only Competition Is Yourself  
Podcast: Trying Not to Care
Published On: Mon Sep 11 2023
Description: In today's episode, I talk about my experience with comparing my time in the podcast space to others. As I've compared my journey to others, I've noticed that the only time I find myself doubting my abilities is when I'm putting them up against others. In this episode, I talk about comparison and its negative effects on you, Bevy Smith's "Take a Note, Give a Note" and how the only real competition you have is yourself. Watch How to Discover Your Authentic Self -- at Any Age | Bevy Smith | TED This episode is sponsored by Liquid IV - Get 20% off anything you order when you go to https://www.liquid-iv.com and use code TNTC at checkout. This episode is sponsored by ZocDoc - Go to Zocdoc.com/TRYINGNOT and download the Zocdoc app for FREE ♡MY SOCIALS♡ Instagram: personal, podcast TikTok: personal, podcast Youtube Revolve, Amazon Storefront + more: LTX TNTC COMMUNITY GROUPCHAT: https://app.geneva.com/invite/4939298b-477b-4d4b-a32a-0b82431273bf If you want to ask me questions, need advice or have any episode ideas, submit here: TNTC Community Google Form Business Inquiries: ashleychristinecorbo@gmail.com