Podcast:Trying Not to Care Published On: Mon May 06 2024 Description: After struggling with burnout, I thought it was only right to come back and speak about how I’ve been feeling as well as the pressure to always do more. I think a lot of us struggle to actually relax because society has made us believe that taking a break is a bad thing. Whenever we take time to slow down, we feel guilty, like we could be doing something more productive. Today I break down why we need to let go of this “rotting” mindset and allow ourselves to relax. SOCIALS AND LINKS Instagram: Ashley's Instagram | Trying Not to Care Instagram TikTok: Ashley's TikTok | Trying Not to Care TikTok Youtube: Subscribe here Revolve, Amazon Storefront and more: LTX If you want to ask me questions, need advice or have any episode ideas, submit here: TNTC Community Google Form TNTC COMMUNITY GROUPCHAT: https://app.geneva.com/invite/4939298b-477b-4d4b-a32a-0b82431273bf Business Inquiries - ashleychristinecorbo@gmail.com