Podcast:ArchaeoEd Podcast Published On: Sat Jan 01 2022 Description: Moises Morales was a legend in Mexico. His contributions to our knowledge and the protection of the Maya ruins of Palenque are unparalleled. In this episode, I'll tell you some stories about my dear friend Moi.Support the showSupport ArchaeoEd through Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/archaeoedBars and Dots, Maya date calculator software - https://www.barsanddots.comEd's day job is Director of Maya Exploration Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit https://www.mayaexploration.org Matt Savino's book Land Without a Continenthttps://www.amazon.com/Land-Without-Continent-through-Central/dp/1959099728