Podcast:ArchaeoEd Podcast Published On: Thu Dec 01 2022 Description: The Wari were a civilization of 100's of 1000's of people living in the Andes between 500 and 1000 CE. Never heard of them? You're not alone. In this episode, I'll tell you about them and explain why I believe they were the inspiration for the later Inca Empire.Support the showSupport ArchaeoEd through Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/archaeoedBars and Dots, Maya date calculator software - https://www.barsanddots.comEd's day job is Director of Maya Exploration Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit https://www.mayaexploration.org Matt Savino's book Land Without a Continenthttps://www.amazon.com/Land-Without-Continent-through-Central/dp/1959099728