Podcast:ArchaeoEd Podcast Published On: Fri Oct 01 2021 Description: The Moche were an amazingly advanced civilization who lived along Peru's northern coast from about 100 to 750 CE. In this episode, I'll explain how I believe that they were monotheistic, worshipping a creator deity I call the Fanged Deity.Support the showSupport ArchaeoEd through Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/archaeoedBars and Dots, Maya date calculator software - https://www.barsanddots.comEd's day job is Director of Maya Exploration Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit https://www.mayaexploration.org Matt Savino's book Land Without a Continenthttps://www.amazon.com/Land-Without-Continent-through-Central/dp/1959099728