Podcast:The Blueprint with Jen Psaki Published On: Thu Feb 08 2024 Description: After a week of epic fails from the House and Senate GOP on Mayorkas and immigration, Sen. Claire McCaskill and Jennifer Palmieri highlight the significant chasm between Biden and Trump’s campaign coffers. Like Biden, the country’s economic picture is pretty rosy, so why does their guest, economist Jason Furman, think Biden is trailing Trump on the economy? And why does Nikki Haley keep insisting the presidential race comes down to her vs. Kamala Harris? Claire and Jen dig in.Subscribe to the How to Win newsletter! With the 2024 election season off to a dramatic start, now is the perfect time to get expert analysis on key races sent straight to your inbox, including insights from the network’s top talent, like How to Win host Jennifer Palmieri. Click here to sign up.